




Wise men said, "Only fools rush in" 聰明的人這麼說,"只有笨蛋才會墜入愛河",
But I can't help falling in love with you 但我終究忍不住愛上了妳。

Shall I stay? 我不知道該不該留下,
Would it be a sin 這場戀情會否成為一場罪過?
If I can't help falling in love with you 假使...我真忍不住愛上了你。

Like a river flows 就像一條河流無論如何前進,
Surely to the sea 它終究會流向大海
Darling, so it goes 親愛的,我只能順其自然,
Some things are meant to be 有些事終究是無可避免的。

Take my hand 請妳牽起我的手,
Take my whole life, too 同時也牽起我人生的全部,
For I can't help falling in love with you 只因我已情不自禁的愛上了妳

Like a river flows 就像一條河流無論如何前進,
Surely to the sea 它終究會流向大海
Darling, so it goes 親愛的,我只能順其自然,
Some things are meant to be 有些事終究是無可避免的。

Take my hand 請妳牽起我的手,
Take my whole life, too 同時也牽起我人生的全部,
For I can't help falling in love with you 只因我已情不自禁的愛上了妳。
For I can't help falling in love with you 只因我已情不自禁的愛上了妳。

Can't Help Falling In Love lyrics © EMI Music Publishing







I've dreamed about singing the song in our wedding, with just my guitar.

While you are coming forward to me step by step in the elaborate wedding dress,

I'll look into your eyes and sing it only for you.

I can even imagine the tears shining on your face, and we hug like we shall never separate.

Your smile casts a glamour over the ceremony, and... that will definitely be the glory of my life.



However, it doesn't seem to happen now.



It's been quite tough recently.

Damn subconsciousness keep sending your image to my dream.

You and I are still together in there.

You seem happy and still have your smile on your face.

We still live in our old little room.

Suddenly, the song emerges and fills in the room.

You lie down by my side and say, "Touch my heart. Can't you feel that I love you?"



I woke up, and it was 3 AM.

Turning on my computer, I had this song played.


Whenever I hear this song played, a piece of my heart dies slowly.



"Hey, Darling, touch my heart. Can't you feel it broken?"







Can't You...



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